CSS div Builder

Build a DIV with ease!

Insert an unlimited number of <div> elements at a time with optional CSS ID and/or CLASS for each <div> with CSS Div Builder. You can insert as many DIVs at one time as you want and you can setup a default text to insert in all of the divs to help see them in the design mode.  You can also add or edit your CSS styles from within the extension.

Works inside Dreamweaver only.

CSS div Builder Quick Guide:

  1. Click on the page where the DIVs will be inserted.
  2. Open CSS <div> Builder from the command menu under the Kaosweaver.com submenu.
  3. Set the font face, color and size.
  4. Click on the Add button to add DIVs
  5. Click on a DIV and then enter a Div ID, if desired.
  6. CSelect a DIV class, if desired.
  7. Click OK!


"Separate we come, and separate we go, And this be it known, is all that we know."
Conrad Aiken

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CSS div Builder

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CSS div Builder